Monday, February 26, 2024

Week 9-10. Australia Part 2- Brisbane to Thursday Island

   The city of Brisbane is the capital of Queensland spreading out over the coast of Moreton Bay. It is one of the oldest cities in Australia mostly European settlers who arrived as prisoners to this penal colony. It was General Douglas MacArthur’s Pacific headquarters during WW II. We did the included panoramic tour of the city. The only negative is that all cruise ships have to dock 45-60 minutes outside the city. As well as one of the longest terminals we have been to, and I joked to one of the workers I could get 5000 steps just walking to the buses from the ship. We were driven around the city and then up the mountain to get a beautiful panoramic view of the city’s skyline, we visited a beautiful gazebo and statue dedicated to the Boy Scouts, and then were able to visit the CBD area for a few picture stops.

                                                                Mt. Coot-tha Summit

Australian Brushturkey (not edible)

Honoring Boy Scouts

Gazebo overlook and Boy Scout Park

Skyline from Gazebo

Plaza next to government offices

After sailing the Coral Sea, we arrived at the Whitsunday Islands (Airlie Beach). The archipelago emerged from the Coral Sea and sits amid the Great Barrier Reef. We had a wonderful included tour of sailing on a catamaran around the islands. Started as an overcast day but quickly cleared up to a sunny day. I even got a little sunburnt. The islands are mostly national parks and very highly regulated as to how the islands are used. They are mostly tourist oriented. We sailed past many of the islands and a few of the tourist centered enclaves including George Harrison’s former home.

Whitsunday islands

George Harrison’s former home on island



Other islands


Our next stop was in Cairns.  This city is Queensland’s seaside resort and the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef.  We were to go to the Reef but decided we were better off going to the aquarium. Jeff wasn’t up to the walking involved so I went on the bus with other Vikings. I then walked back to the ship after a little shopping. This was the best aquarium I have ever visited. Plus an added bonus of two of the cutest young unofficial guides anyone could have.  These two young sisters, around 6 and 7 years old, befriended me and pointed out any and all aspects of the sea life at the aquarium. We did part ways about 2/3 of the way through the site. Their parents allowed me to take a picture of them. So much more fun through the eyes of a child. Just an awesome visit of almost 3 hours.

Speckled Epaulette Shark

Common Lion Fish

Reef Stone Fish

Olive Sea Snake

Tropical Walking Stick

Honeycomb Moray

Spotted Box Fish

My Unofficial Tour Guides

Painted Crayfish


Redclaw Crayfish


Boyd’s Forest Dragon

Our last stop in Australia was at the small island named Thursday Island. Its neighbors are Wednesday and Friday Islands but there are no Saturday, Sunday, or Monday islands in the archipelago. The island was once home to a thriving pearl fishing industry. Green Hill Fort was built during the 1890s when there was potential of a Russian invasion. It was reactivated during WW II as a wireless station. It has about 3000 inhabitants mostly who work in the tourism industry or for the 28 different federal and state agencies located there.  Our guide was wonderful, thanks Dirk. 

Thursday Island

Thursday Island

Green Hill Fort

Green Hill Fort


Cemetary for over 600 Japanese Pearl Divers and their decendents

Cemetary Memorial to the Pearl Divers

Other events aboard ship were birthday parties, entertainers, special food events, and just fun.

Mike O’s Birthday and we also celebrated Kathleen H’s birthday (we all forgot to take picture but only 6 of us)

Eclairs for lunch

More eclairs

Donut Day

Donut Day

Johny Cash Tribute singer

Combo Opera and Musical Revues

We now have a new rest of voyage as we are not going through the Red Sea/Suez Canal. After India, and my trip to the Taj Mahal and other sites, we will head to Africa. We love the change but there are those who will be leaving in various ports between Bali and Cochin. 

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