Sunday, February 18, 2024

Week 7-8 Australia: Melbourne to Sydney

 After leaving New Zealand we had four sea days before reaching Australia on February 12th. We landed in Melbourne and had the perfect docking location right at the foot of Queens Street. We were to move the second day to a different dock but the weather made that impossible. (Yeah Viking as we still had this prime location.) Melbourne is a beautiful city and we took the included tour of the city to get acclimated. The tour took us to the beautiful Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens and the war memorial. The guide was quite knowledgeable about the plants and the history of the area. The only issue was it was so hot (close to 90 degrees). We were so wilted that we did not go back out that afternoon. On the second day we visited the animal sanctuary to see how they are protecting them and caring for the injured ones that are found. 

Melbourne Skyline

Garden topiaries

Walking Tree

Pond using runoff water from the park

One of the oldest trees in the city

Gardens House formerly used by Director now a venue site

The flags representing Melbourne- right to left
Australian Flag
The Queen’s Flag for Military
Aboriginal Flag

War Memorial representing all wars and military actions

On our second day we took the excursion outside of town to Healesville Sanctuary. The facility was wonderful and their animals are highly protected. We were on our own to tour the site as we could determine how far we wanted to go and what animals we wanted to see. They are one of only 2 sites with platypus. We don’t have pictures as the animals need darkness as light hurts their eyes. We were able to watch one of the workers feed and play with their newest baby and oh so much fun. 


Close up of Emu

Gray kangaroo

Baby Koala just waking up
Koalas sleep 20 hours a day

Wood carving representing animals endemic to Australia

Red kangaroo

Art work around the park

Sailing our of Melbourne

Our next stop was to Phillip Island located at the mouth of Western Port Bay. The island is noted for its wildlife with plenty of free roaming kangaroos and wallabies. The big event occurs at dusk every night when the famous blue penguins return to land after a day of eating in the ocean. It is known as the Penguin Parade at Summerland Beach. We did not go to this as it was a 30 minute tender boat to the island then a 30-40 minute bus ride to the event, wait in the cold (not Jeff’s favorite temperature), no pictures are allowed, and then stand in line and wait for busses and tenders to bring you back to the ship. I don’t have pictures from here but did get some in Sydney.

                                                                        From website

On February 16 we docked in Eden, Australia. This was an important whaling port and famous for Old Tom, an orca whale, who would assist whalers in their hunt for sperm whales by herding them into the bay for the sailors to harpoon them. This is something Old Tom did until one morning they found him dead and decided to keep his bones in a museum. Today you can see his bones and we did. We also visited several other small towns in the area and viewed Fruit Bats (aka Flying Foxes), cockatoos, local artwork, and beautiful coastlines.

Whaling Museum

Coastal area

Old Tom skeleton 

Art work to wetland area


Fruit bats

Fruit bat

Art work

The next day we arrived in Sydney, Australia and you can see why it is called the most beautiful harbor in the world. It is so stunning. We arose early (5 am) to be on deck for sunrise and entering the harbor. We were so excited that our first day we were docked next to the Sydney Opera House and right in the CBD.
Again, we took the included panoramic tour of Sydney. We viewed the “Rock” section, downtown buildings, Bondi Beach, a coastal area, and then free time. Jeff was tired so I wanted to visit a wool and craft store, Morris and Sons. So I googled the address and walked to the store about a mile away. It was a nice walk to see the city and the store was wonderful (had a big sale). So I am going to try needlepointing. We then ate dinner ashore in a really nice Italian restaurant where I had spaghetti and Jeff had fish and chips. Both very good. That night, before we had to change docks, we saw the fireworks exploding over the Opera House. We just had to sit/stand on our balcony for a beautiful display. 
The second day we went to Wildlife of Sydney, another animal sanctuary but this time so many more animals. I know you are probably tired of seeing animals but I can’t help myself. We left Sydney around 6 pm and are now heading towards Brisbane, part 2 of Australia blog.

Sydney Opera House

Entering Botany Bay

Coastal area

On deck with Old Iron Bridge in background

Bondi Beach

Bondi Beach



Blue Penguins

Blue Penguins

Cassowary (I always wanted to see one)

Red Kangaroo

Tasmanian Devil

Judi with kangaroo


Short beaked Echidna


Black-necked Stork

Ghost Bats


Sleeping Koala

Australian Pelican

Albino wallaby

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