Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Week 12. Vietnam

 We spent 3 1/2 days in Ho Chi Minh City, commonly called Saigon. Saigon is Vietnam’s largest city and still has its blended historical history with its modern skyscrapers and neon lights. It seems as if it is a city that never sleeps and definitely has more motor scooters of any place we have ever visited. The traffic is so congested that a normal drive from port to city center would be 30 minutes but takes over an hour most days of the week. French influence from the late 1800s-early 1900s is very visible. The Old Post Office was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the Opera House is fashioned after the Petit Palais, and the Notre Dame Cathedral is a smaller version of Paris’s Notre Dame. All the building materials for the cathedral are said to have been shipped from France. We ate several meals in the city and the food was very good. Yet, the people are still poor and their wages are low. Prices therefore are low and American dollars, preferably newer, were eagerly accepted. Communist corruption is an issue according to several sources. 

All in all, we had a wonderful time- We did the included city tour, a night tour which included dinner, a water puppet show, and night tour, and then the pedal car (rickshaw) tour of the city were all very nice. Yes, we did visit several places multiple times, but we still had a nice time and the people were all so friendly. 

We passed our sister ship, Viking Sky, on their way out of Vietnam. We honked and waved to each other.

Viking Sky

Viking Sky

Entering Ho Chi Minh City 

Street vendors everywhere

Most restaurants had open air or sidewalk seating

Just some of the congested traffic

Active Buddhist Temple

Most Buddhist pray at the temple twice a week or more

Courtyard of the temple

Red lanterns in the trees

Lunar New Year lighting

Lunar New Year Lighting

French built City Hall lighted

Lotus fountain on main square

Water puppet show theater

Old Post Office

Liberation Statue at Post Office

1920s map of Saigon and Saigon River in Post Office

Opera House

City Hall day time

Ho Chi Minh Statue outside of City Hall

Reunification Hall

Me on the Pedal Cab (aka rickshaw)

Jeff on Pedal Cab

Our luncheon restaurant

Luncheon restaurant
Excellent meal

Lobby of Restaurant

We missed the Vietnamese culture show as our bus was stuck in traffic but we did see this piano jazz concert which was really great. 

We are on our way to Thailand and then Singapore, Malaysia. Will fill you in next Blog Posting.
Having a good time and miss all of you.

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