Sunday, January 14, 2024

Week 3 Lots of Sea and a quick stop in LA and Santa Barbara

 We left off last week with Cabo San Lucas and this week has seen 5 days at sea and a visit to LA area and then Santa Barbara. People ask what do you do on all those sea days. Well we do keep busy. There are at least 3 lectures each day, maybe a discussion table on a stated topic, craft group (learn to knit or crochet)  for 2 hours, painting classes, bridge classes/playing, mahjong classes/playing, tours of the ship, cooking classes, wine/liquor tastings, and in evening entertainment musical, instrumental, or movies. I know I probably missed a few things. Oh, forgot, there is the gym which we go to almost everyday for the treadmill. This week the ship was rocking a great deal so we missed 2 days. If someone says they get bored they are an oddity as we are often torn as we often have multiple events we are interested in at the same time. 

I will get to LA area first. We docked in San Pedro which is about 1 1/2 hours south of LA. We did not take any excursions as we were lucky enough to meet up with our grandson, Jake. He picked us up at the terminal and we drove to the iconic lighthouse in the area. It was beautiful there and we also toured the natural museum as well. They had a number of people whale watching and recording any movements as it is one of the locations between Cabo San Lucas and Alaska that counting whales takes place. The tour also included the history of whaling in the area. Our guide was really knowledgeable. We then went to see the Queen Mary which was docked in the area and walked around a beautiful park. By then we were all hungry so Jake selected a Mexican Restaurant that turned out to be very good. We also spent some time at CVS trying to get refills on a prescription but they did not have it filled before we had to return to the ship. They then told us we could have a CVS in Santa Barbara fill it as it was on file in the system. We did take a quick drive around to see the shoreline and Jake returned us to the Neptune. Here are some photos of the day.

Point Vincent’s Lighthouse

Jake and I at the lighthouse

Queen Mary docked in Long Beach

Long Beach Lighthouse

The next day we were in Santa Barbara where Dan and Gayla picked us up at the dock. We headed to the CVS where Dan had called to verify they had the prescription and luckily it was filled. We decided to visit the Mission of Santa Barbara as Jeff and I had never been there. The tour was very good and the mission is actually the third one built as the others were damaged by earthquake. The grounds were beautiful with the mountains in the background. After that we went to lunch at Ledo’s Mexican takeout. Gayla found it under Diners, Drive ins, and Dives. Guy Fieri has been there twice in 10 years. Excellent food.  We took a short drive through the downtown and then had to catch our tender back to the ship. When we got to the ship we had the funniest sight we have seen. A seal got into the docking area and they were able to get him off the ship but he kept trying to get back on. They would get him to move by throwing fish off to the side so that the tender boats could unload passengers. As soon as the boat moved away he was back.

                                                    Mission of Santa Barbara

                                                         Inside courtyard


           Inside of church

                    Side alcove

                    Side alcove

After getting the city’s approval this house was covered with art created by local artists

                                                            Our overly friendly sea lion

One of the best shows- Travis Cloer who has 
Sung on Jersey Boys broadway and in Vegas.
He has a Tony Award plus others. Absolutely fantastic

We are having a good time meeting new people and resting up for Honolulu, Hawaii on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Then another 5 days at sea before we make Tahiti.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have been busy! And I don't think I realized there is so much to do on the ship itself! Glad you are enjoying yourselves!


Dakar Senegal, Tenerife Canary Islands and Agadir, Morocco

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